Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mass Singing in Jinshan Park

It was the May Day 2009 - it is again the holiday of all the workers in the world. It seems to everyone that nothing is more appropriate to gather around in the park to sing those old communist revolutionary songs that you have grown up with. So here are a few photos taken when I was "sweeping around" in Jinshan Park during the holidays.

Look, there is a crowd over there and sounds like a lot of fun is going on...

Daddy, wait for me! I want to take a look too...

Everyone is crowded around - must be something interesting...

Wow, they're singing pretty loud together...

All the aged retirees seem to be in high spirit mood singing...

Help, Daddy, I don't understand what they're singing? Could you tell me what this Chinese song is about? "Socialism is Good"? I bet it must be...

This grandpa surely looks like a great lead singer..."singing a mountain song to the Party..."

And this aunt is also conducting her devoted band...

Even a by-stander is joining the band on the side...

"East wind is blowing, battle drum is beating, the world is no longer afraid of American imperialists..."

"...singing for our socialist motherland, which has marched into strength and prosperity..."

This granny is really good at drumming...

"...C'est la lutte finale. Groupons-nous, et demain. L'Internationale sera le genre humain..."

"Our next song is 'Only Socialism Can Save China'..."

"Unity is power, as powerful as iron, far more stronger than steel...let die all the undemocratic societies..."

Hmm...very to show this to our church choir when I'm back home...

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